25. juli 2010


And then, all of a sudden, I've been to a dozen more concerts than I had 3 days ago, I've lost many,many hours of sleep, I've laughed a lot, and I've caught up with people I've missed for 11 months. Yes, I've spent my weekend on a festival. (http://www.malakoff.no/) Not just any festival, but one of the best ones in Norway (??!).
And now I have a really bad cold. And I'm tired. And I've been sitting on the couch for at least 5 hours.
i hope everyone had a great weekend!
PS! notice the heavy backpack!!
Og koffor går det bare dritt på TV på søndaga??!

1 kommentar:

ANDY sa...

Fordi sondager suger Gurthi, og faen eg skulle onske eg var paa malakoff! OG JA EG LESER BLOGGEN DIN I SYDEN.
hilsen your number one stalker.