There is one thing I want more than anything else in the entire world right now, and that is to tell my mom I'm going for a walk. To Vie (a tiny store 1 mile from my house). To meet Sunniva. And I would be late. And Sunniva would be late. And we would walk the aisles of the store 'till 10, when they close. And then we would go to the Hospital Park. And We would walk to Vie Åsen/Little America (A neighbourhood which looks like the neighbourhoods in american movies). And we would eventually get cold. Or wet (since it would be raining, probably). Or our arms would be tired after carrying umbrellas for way tooo long. And we would go to Sunniva's house. Or my house. And we would do nothing. Watch TV. Watch the programs we both liked, and we would eat whatever we bought at Vie. And drink Pepsi. Or water. And then I would take the dog with me and walk Sunniva home. Or my mom would meet me outside Sunniva's house with the dog, and walk home with me. Or my mom would pick me up at Sunniva's, og her dad would pick her up at my house. And when I finaly got home, or she got home, we would text one another just to let one know the other one is home&safe.
Sometimes, when I took the dog (Småen) with me and walked Sunniva home, she would call me when i left her house, just so I wouldn't get scared on my way home.
And then we would meet up as early as possible the next day. And go downtown. And spend hour after hour at H&M, and we would buy food, and talk.

That's what I miss, and that's what I wanna do.
hei pus, love gurthi.
2 kommentarer:
guroooo. eg trur akkurat det der er det eg gler meg til mest ved at du kjem heim!!!! eg savnar deg.
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