I've realized I'm in America. And the greatest organizzation in the world got me here: Rotary.
All of a sudden, yesterday, I was able to follow spanish conversations. I didn't miss a word. But I couldn't figure out how to talk back in spanish. It sucked.
I'm also able to figure out short sentences in German, and thursday i literally (?) impressed myself by talking in past tense. I asked Rafael (from germany) if it was correct, and he nodded and told me it was gramatically 100% correct. "How on EARTH did I figure that out?!", I asked.
"German class, maybe?" Answered Rafael, end laughed at me. I thought I told him I've never been in a single german class, anyway, obviously, I had to tell him again. And now he's impressed. Cause we've been talking in german to eachother.
I really wish I paid attention in Spanish class the 4 years I had spanish. Cause I feel really limited when English and Norwegian (??!!!? Who needs norwegian??) are the only linguas I can handle.
I'm also able to figure out short sentences in German, and thursday i literally (?) impressed myself by talking in past tense. I asked Rafael (from germany) if it was correct, and he nodded and told me it was gramatically 100% correct. "How on EARTH did I figure that out?!", I asked.
"German class, maybe?" Answered Rafael, end laughed at me. I thought I told him I've never been in a single german class, anyway, obviously, I had to tell him again. And now he's impressed. Cause we've been talking in german to eachother.
I really wish I paid attention in Spanish class the 4 years I had spanish. Cause I feel really limited when English and Norwegian (??!!!? Who needs norwegian??) are the only linguas I can handle.
Tonight is our big performance. And before we start warming up we are going shopping for 3 hours. Wish me good luck!!!
hei pus, love gurthi.
2 kommentarer:
og lykke til Guruuruooo, you'll do great! :)
Lukke tiiiil <3
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