When I left La Crosse I thought I had a pretty good idea of what 'cold' was. And then I went to Sturgeon Bay, Door County, which is about as far north as you can get in Wisconsin. Trust me, it cot colder. It was ssoo windy! omg ( <- this i btw, my new favortie word. And I've decided to start typing more like a real bro'.)
Rehearsal weekend was great, as always. Even though i miss a lot of school I am positive that this will be a unique experience and I will not regret being a part of this 'Rotary show choir' at all. I meet so many great people, and we share so much laughter. It is also nice to meet other exchange students once in a while who has the same questions and worries and thoughts and fears and expectations and problems as you do (although my problems are small..).
Same as last time, me and 4 other girls(Mind - Thailand(in the picture, Tongta - Thailand, Sandy/Sandra - Maxico, Daniella/Mariella Daniella - Mexico and Alexis - Wasau, Wisconsin) stayed the the Paulson family; Dee & Eric. They are great great people. And the 5 of us girls have a really special connection and we alle get along (add british accent here)veerrrrry well.
Te amo inglés!
hei pus, love gurthi.
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