Med det eg kan gjøre er jo å fortelle deg om hesten på bildet, og ikkje personen. Eller skal eg la være å gjøre det her til et drikjedelig innlegg kanskje? Kanskje. Eg har hvertfall vert veldig glad i den luringen i fleire år!!! Det skal være sagt :)
[Isn't it stupid that when I first find out that I'm going to go through with something like this, I end up with a picture of myself? How am I supposed to tell you about myself, and if I've ever been in love with myself? And the horse, Loke.
What I can do, is tell you about Loke, and not me. But do I want this blog to be super-boring? No. So maybe I won't write an entire blogpost about a horse. Anyway I've loved this fellahh for several years and I still do. Just so you know.]
hei pus, love gurthi
What I can do, is tell you about Loke, and not me. But do I want this blog to be super-boring? No. So maybe I won't write an entire blogpost about a horse. Anyway I've loved this fellahh for several years and I still do. Just so you know.]
hei pus, love gurthi
2 kommentarer:
Må berre få beklage at dette muligens har bidratt til å ødelegge eit innlegg.
Men følte eit sterkt press.
Hahah, det går fint!
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