26. mars 2010
freddan' sa e'
25. mars 2010
Adv speech - special occasion speech
Congratulations. The 29th of April 2007 this was my day. And today, May 6th, 2012 – it’s your day. Your confirmation. Your guests. Your gifts. Your family, and your friends. All gathered here again, 5 years later, including new friends and new family members – reminds me a lot of my confirmation: I remember not being excited for having to get up at 7am on a Sunday, to then get all dressed up, and then have to go to church! And after staying there for hours you’re having a dinner party, with all this fancy food you don’t even like. A lot of old people you don’t even know is going to walk up to you and tell you how they started drinking coffee the day of their confirmation, or moved out, or got a job.
My confirmation knocked me off my feet. It wasn’t what I expected it to be at all. To be surrounded by all the people I love, just for one day, was amazing. It didn’t really matter why we were gathered – but knowing that everyone was there just for me was definitely something special. I hope you’ll have the same enjoyable feeling as I had. I hope you go to bed tonight, thinking you loved every second of this day. Hoping you’ll never forget it. Wishing you could live it over. Loving all the people you spent it with. Knowing you are loved. Knowing all of us will always be there for you, and we have been from the very beginning.
When my dad, who was going to be our dad, told me I was getting a little brother my body was filled with excitement. I still remember the tingly feeling of hopes and expectations and joy.
Then you were born, and I got to meet you for the first time - look at you – feel you – and compare us, since you were the only person I’d ever met that had the exact same set of genes as I had. And the very first moment I laid my eyes on you – I realized I loved you. And I was going to love you more than you could imagine, and I would always love you. I would love you from the very bottom of my heart, more than life itself, higher than the steepest mountains and deeper than the deepest oceans. I also decided I should let you know as often as possible, and I have been.
As soon as you grew up and started to find it boring to play with your 5 year older sisters’ barbies and dolls and toys, you also found it annoying that I hugged you and told you how cute you were all the time. Because, let me be honest: we all knew you weren’t cute, you were tuff. And when you got even older, you found it quite embarrassing that I kept hugging you and telling you how cute you were – even in front of your friends. You started fighting the system, and that’s how we had our first legit fight. And I would just keep telling you I loved you – only because I knew it would bother you. We both know we LOVE getting on eachothers nerves, and pushing eachothers buttons. We have fought everywhere about everything, and we have driven everyone crazy. Most of the fights I can remember has been over candy: the last piece of chocolate, or the last can of pop. We fought over the computer, the TV, MY bicycle, MY scooter, the front seat in the car, the playstation, mom&dads attention and pretty much everything there is. And we both hate sharing. Especially with eachother. And that is why I feel extra honored over getting to share this day with you. Because you chose to share this day with me. You didn’t take the last piece of chocolate, you shared it with me. This is taking a big step. This, is growing up. Either you like it or not you are growing up, slowly - but surely. One of the places I’ve been able to follow your growth is at the soccer field. Everyone who has ever met you knows about you passion for soccer – it is admirable. And it has given you basic guidelines in life I am sure you’ll never forget:
Don’t let anyone stop you.
Don’t let anyone get in your way.
Always know where the goal is.
Always know where you’re enemies are.
Support your team even through tough times.
Without pushing your buttons, or getting on your nerves, I would like to tell you today:
that I do sincerely love you.
that I am always here for you, even though I’ve moved out and don’t see you as often as I would like to.
To tell you: congratulations, Rolf.
You are my favourite playmate. My favourite boy. And my favourite sibling.
To tell you I love you.
22. mars 2010
Neste vertsfamilie
19. mars 2010
15. mars 2010
Ja, eg blogger i timen
12. mars 2010
Tor sin dag
Eg hata det her. No maa eg snike meg inn paa meailen min, hotmail, og laste ned en powerpoint presentasjon. Og visst eg blir oppdaga blir eg satt paa Mrs. Gsit hat-liste, og ho kommer ikkje til aa la meg faa bruke datamaskinene i LMC (biblioteket) paa leeenge leeenge leeenge. Og, no kommer det en heil klasse inn hit, saa sjangsen for at eg faar beholde dataen min I det heile tatt er minimal. GGAAHHHHHHH. Argh.
I gaar var en travel og spennande dag. Og eg blei kontiunerlig paaminna det mamma sa til meg 19. februar naar eg snakka med ho paa skype: Det hoeres ut som det er en heil del aktivitet paa skulen, meir enn det er paa Hafstad hvertfall!
Og ho har saa rett, saa rett. Og i gaarkveld var en av dei kveldane. Sjoel om det var en torsdagskveld!
Daniella Trussoni (trur eg??) var her, Central Alumni (det betyr at ho er tidligare student her) som har gitt ut fleire boeker, og no skal eg av boekene hennas bli laga en film utav, var her aa snakka med studenta og inspirere dei. Og ho signerte boeker, sjoelsagt. Det var aapent for alle som ville komme.
Det var ’open gym’ for alle som er i sport saa dei kunne trene og gjoere det dei ville.
Mock Trial hadde moete i resource senteret fordi dei skal ha sin ’final competition’ den helga her.
Det var open parent-teacher conferences. Du skjoenna ka det betyr. Saa alle laererane var I klasseromma sine og foreldre og eleva stod rundt I gangane aa venta.
Sist men ikkje minst: jazz ensemble concert (eller naake saant). Daa the jazzband opptredde, Central connection (1 av 2 showchoir) og Grand Central Station (og 1 av 2 showchoir). Og det var der eg befant meg. Paa tredj fremste rad sammen med Garrett.
’the jazz band’ spilte en sang fra Nemo: beyond the sea? Og alt i ellers var ting kjempebra.
I maarra tidlig skal eg dra til South Dakota med GCS og CC fordi eg har lyst, det er en 6 timers busstur for aa komme dit. Det er DVD spiller paa bussen, og mammaen til patrick har kjoept sesong 1 av Glee osm vi skal se paa. Visstnok. Eg for min del planlegger aa sove. I South Dakota, naermare bestemt Suiox (?) Falls er det den siste show choir competition’en som skal ta plass, og eg gleda meg!
Og i dag er det forresten Corey sin bursdag: HHUURRRRAA!!
Hei pus, love gurthi.
10. mars 2010
skam seg
techno art
farewell childhood
Til i mårra skulle vi skrive en 'farewell childhood' ''tale'', på 100 ord, og dei skal vi lese for klassen i mårra. Min ser sånn her ut:
Dear childhood; you have taught me so much, and made me so wise.
I hope the kids of the future take good care of you. Appriciate you, and enjoy you. That you'll share your games with them, you fears, your songs, your conflicts, your laughter and your tears.
I wouldn't have made it this far without you. Thank you for every great moment that has prepared me for life as a teenager, on my way into adulthood.
I'll remember you forever, and I'm looking forward to meeting you again in my own kids. And in my grandkids.
Goodbye childhood, goodbye.
hei pus, love gurthi
3. mars 2010
Med begge beina godt planta på jorda
I det ene øyeblikket gleder eg meg til å komme heim til Førde og Elvaberget og Elvragården og Laksen og seine, men lyse, sommerkvelder. Og i det neste øyeblikket gleder eg meg til å spise den ekle skulelunsjen ute istedenfor inne i kantina og til graduation og til å få fri ei uke tidligare fra skulen enn Savannah og til å jogge langs Losey i solskinn til å møte venner i the riverside park. Eg er forvirra. Og det trur eg alle utvekslingsstudenter er på den tida her av året. Det er no man innser at halve året er gått, meir enn det! Bare her om dagen var det nåken som sa 'Well... You're leaving in 3 1/2 months..''. HJELP! Tenk at det er så kort igjen. Det er det her som er livet mitt no. Står opp kl 6. Har samme timeplan kver dag. Til å spise middag kl 6-7-8, til å gjøre lekser, og til å gjøre det samme neste dag. Og til å snakke engelsk. Å være omringa av dei eg er omringa av. Det blir rart.. Nei, det blir forferdelig, å forlate dei. Det blir nåke helt anna, og masse verre, enn det var å dra heimefra den 24. august.
Dei neste månedane skal eg nyte den amerikanske kulturen, leve kvert øyeblikk og når den dagen kommer, den dagen når eg må heim, så skal eg gjøre det med et smil. Fordi eg savna alt og alle heime.
Because I would like my La Crosse/english-speaking friends to be able to read/See what SUnniva posted on my wall earlier today, and so that you can find out how amazing she is. And maybe get a clue of how much she means to me.
This is what she wrote, and I love her:
Guro, I'm looking forward to friday nights when we once again watch Nytt på Nytt (a TV show) and drink pepsi/cola and eat milkchocolate and chips. To 2-3pm o'clock on saturdays when we realize we want to go downtown and we have to force our parents to drive us. To spend saturday evenings watching the movies we've seen too many times already and to eat ''potato-nuts'' with gravy... and eat the candy-left-overs from friday night. To sundays when we both look ugly and are tired and complaining about the week-to-come on the couch. To evenings when we want to go to the movies even though there's o nly bad movies running. To mondays and tuesdays and wednesdays and thursdays where we attend to do hours of homework, but end up spending the entire afternoon at Vie (the ''local'' store), ending up deciding to buy Kinder Maxi chocolate and blue smurfs, even though we both knew we were going to buy it the minute we walked in the door.
To spend hours sitting in your bed watching you clean your room. To listen to the old music from the CD's you have in the white shelf in your room. To find new outfits for you that you can wear when you go to family dinners. To stay awake through a whole movie with you even though my eyes hurt and I'm tired and worn out, and longing for my bed. To whine over stupid teachers and bad grades, as well as parents whi doesn't treat us like ''everyone else is treated by their parents''. To spend the whole week calling people over 18, and when the weekend comes we find out the couch and a movie works just as well as ''going out''. To blush and be emberrased when we read our text messages out loud to eachother. To tell eachother secrets we aren't allowed to tell. To listen to you playing the piano, and fear that you're going to ask me ''what song is this?'', since I might not know the answer. To hang out at Mix (videorental-store) and rent movies and buy the huge box of candy that we never finish.
hei pus, love gurthi
.. og eg var ikkje den einaste som stod på scena den helga her!
Hurra hurra. Grunnen til at eg egentlig la ut det bildet der var fordi at Kelly (i midten i bakgrunnen, på en måte) ser gal ut, og han mørke litt til høgre ser ut til å elske det han driver med. For ikkje å snakke om det ubeskrivelige uttrykket og bevegelsen Patrick holder på meg i framgrunnentil venstre.