And then, all of a sudden, I've been to a dozen more concerts than I had 3 days ago, I've lost many,many hours of sleep, I've laughed a lot, and I've caught up with people I've missed for 11 months. Yes, I've spent my weekend on a festival. ( Not just any festival, but one of the best ones in Norway (??!).
And now I have a really bad cold. And I'm tired. And I've been sitting on the couch for at least 5 hours.
i hope everyone had a great weekend!
PS! notice the heavy backpack!!
And now I have a really bad cold. And I'm tired. And I've been sitting on the couch for at least 5 hours.
i hope everyone had a great weekend!
PS! notice the heavy backpack!!
Og koffor går det bare dritt på TV på søndaga??!
Fordi sondager suger Gurthi, og faen eg skulle onske eg var paa malakoff! OG JA EG LESER BLOGGEN DIN I SYDEN.
SvarSletthilsen your number one stalker.