Anyone who knows me knows that I find in many weird things when I'm break loose, but I will coalfish that I have taken the cake the time here. I've been plague in half an hour, and then some, on the google translator. I've pasted the old blog posts, and translated into English. And I have joint high and long. Really high and long. I've been a pain in the stomach musk lane. I have translated a post from 17. May to English:
I join the trend that Sunniva as good has started and put out a flat Rande picture of the two life happy but ignorant girls:)
17. May this year has hosted more than expected. I was prepared for NOK a Sunday I had pine me through, but there was so much much better than that. Maybe it nåke to do with that I have trudd that have hosted Saturday in the days ..
What began with the Sunniva said 'koffor should all be so fuckin' complicated? And so easy for everyone else? ' ended with the same girl, only a couple tima later said 'I elska life'. The win both his.
While Russen festa finish should I turn off a brief chat with favorite son, only to take the evening. Cooper-test in mårra know you. Yes, I need a pat on the shoulders and 'good luck'.
17. May this year has hosted more than expected. I was prepared for NOK a Sunday I had pine me through, but there was so much much better than that. Maybe it nåke to do with that I have trudd that have hosted Saturday in the days ..
What began with the Sunniva said 'koffor should all be so fuckin' complicated? And so easy for everyone else? ' ended with the same girl, only a couple tima later said 'I elska life'. The win both his.
While Russen festa finish should I turn off a brief chat with favorite son, only to take the evening. Cooper-test in mårra know you. Yes, I need a pat on the shoulders and 'good luck'.
kjærlighet gurthi
GURO! eg får ikkje puste
SvarSlettfantastisk, rett og slett heilt utrulig fantastisk
Hahaa, eg lo ganske hardt når eg leste det :) Måtte sjølvsagt prøve det samme sjølv! Små gleder i livet, veitdu!